About us

La forêt(ラ・フォレ)


Since 2020, based in Kochi Pref. Japan, we have been producing creative performances and workshops with local and international artists. We provide opportunities to experience diverse cultures and art for all ages. We also focuses on artist-in-residence programs and international co-collaboration projects with the aim of cross-cultural exchange, supporting artists to create and present their works. While based in the local community, we provide a variety of artistic, cultural, and international exchange projects in cooperation with other companies, organizations, and public cultural facilities.

Our Work

主催事業/Produced Project
<Indonesia × Japan> Papermoon Puppet Theatre & usaginingen国際共同制作公演「ぼくらが出会うためのうた」/Co-collaboration Project ‘Songs For Us To Meet’ (July 2024)
2024.7.31 高知県立美術館ホール舞台上舞台(日本・高知県)/ The Museum of Art, Kochi (Japan)
2024.10.25 PESTA BONEKA(インドネシア・ジョグジャカルタ)/ Indonesia, Yogyakarta
<Brazil × Japan> Nina Vogel オペラ寓話一幕「ウイラプル鳥」公演 / Opera-Fable in One Act ‘UIRAPURU TORI’ (August 2024)
2024.8.31 蛸蔵(日本・高知県)/ Takogura (Japan)

共同制作事業/Co-produced Project

JAPAN LIVE YELL project Washi+Performing Arts? Project vol.7 パフォーマンス作品2本立て公演「Kaji / 楮」「人造自然」/ ‘Kaji’ & ‘Artificial Nature’(September 2023)
高知ライブエール・プロジェクト「いのアートミーティング」/ Kochi Live Yell Project ‘Ino Art Meeting’(September 2022)
Washi+Performing Arts? Project vol.6 演出・振付 鈴木竜 × 音楽 棚川寛子「いとなむ」/ Direction & Choreography: Ryu Suzuki × Music: Hiroko Tanakawa ‘Itonamu’(September 2021)

Official Partner