Report : Kazuyoshi Kushida’s solo play “Or, Tennessee Waltz” & TC Alp’s new performance “Grasshopper’s Dinner Party” / 2022.11.5

Actor/director Kazuyoshi Kushida presented his second solo play “Or, Tennessee Waltz”, and “Grasshopper’s Dinner Party”, a new play by the theater group TC Alp, which Kushida leads.

Many of the audience had seen Kushida’s solo play at Takogura last year and were looking forward to seeing it again this year. Many were fascinated by his direction and expressiveness in playing multiple roles in “Or, the Tennessee Waltz”.
The “Grasshopper’s Dinner Party” was a vaudeville show, with live music by all the performers, songs, plays, and comedy acts full of laughter, shown one after another on stage. The audience was filled with a warm atmosphere, and both children and adults enjoyed the rarely seen worldview together.
We are very sorry to inform you that the performance on 6th November has been canceled due to illness of some performers and staff.

「或いは、テネシーワルツ」2022年11月5日(土)開演 14:00
「バッタの夕食会」2022年11月5日(土)開演 19:00
“Or, Tennessee Waltz” Sat, 5th November 2022 Start: 2pm
“Grasshopper’s Dinner Party” Sat, 5th November 2022 Start: 7pm
Takogura (Kochi city)
“Or, Tennessee Waltz” 73 people
“Grasshopper’s Dinner Party” 51 people

“Or, Tennessee Waltz”

I was drawn into the raging world of Kushida, wondering where he would lead me. The humorous structure of the performance, the mix of slow and fast voices and expressions, and the stage was full of delicate nuances.
I was overwhelmed by Kushida’s ability to express the situation clearly with just a few words.
Various stories connected in the illusion. It was very interesting. I am glad he liked Takogura. Please come to Kochi again.
It was my first time to see a solo play. It was pleasant and tasteful. I thought it was nice to listen to others and I wanted to see the same play many times. I felt differently at different times. Thank you very much.
“Grasshopper’s Dinner Party”

It was impressive that the children in the audience seemed to enjoy watching the show.
The performers were wonderful and played several characters. I was amazed at how well they sang and played their instruments. I felt like I was inside many worlds.
Thank you for giving us the best play despite the sudden change of performers. It is only a first-class theater company that can reconstruct and create the stage at its best. I will continue to support them.
Written, Directed, Performed, Art Director: Kazuyoshi Kushida

串田和美 独り芝居 第2弾!
Once again, he returns to Takogura, Kochi, with only one trunk.
Kazuyoshi Kushida’s second solo play!
To the tune of a country-western song, he plays several roles.
He plays several roles as if he were telling a story.
“Or, The Tennessee Waltz”
He stands still. An empty street.
He waits. He doesn’t know when the long-distance bus will come.
He starts talking. The incessant nonsense.
He doesn’t know himself. Who he really is.
Somewhere, he hears the sound of country-western music.
Or that old Tennessee waltz!

串田和美 近藤隼 武居卓 下地尚子 草光純太
堀田康平 串田十二夜 加賀凪 田村真央
細川貴司 深沢豊 荒井正樹
Composition, Direction, Art Director: Kazuyoshi Kushida
Cast: TC Alp
Kazuyoshi Kushida, Jun Kondo, Taku Takei, Naoko Shimoji, Junta Kusamitsu,
Kohei Hotta, Juniya Kushida, Nagi Kaga, Mao Tamura,
Takashi Hosokawa, Yutaka Fukazawa, Masaki Arai

There is music, song, and play.
A freewheeling omnibus vaudeville show!
They are actors. On a temporary stage where someone or some people are staring at them.
They spin out. Illusions on the stage.
They perform. An omnibus of stories that spring forth.
They are searching for. The true nature of theater that they can share with everyone.
And the sound of the amusing footsteps of the undersea idiots that can be heard.
Or the long-awaited laughter of vaudeville.

Artist Profile
串田 和美(くしだ かずよし)
Kazuyoshi Kushida

1966年、劇団・自由劇場(後にオンシアター自由劇場と改名)を結成。1985–96年までBunkamura シアターコクーン初代芸術監督を務め、コクーン歌舞伎やレパートリーシステムの導入で劇場運営の礎を築く。代表作に「上海バンスキング」「もっと泣いてよフラッパー」「夏祭浪花鑑」など。平成中村座での「法界坊 串田戯場(くしだわーるど)」などの演出も多数。2000–11年まで日本大学芸術学部演劇学科特任教授を務める。2003年4月、まつもと市民芸術館芸術監督に就任。信州まつもと大歌舞伎や、サーカスと音楽と演劇を散りばめた「空中キャバレー」など市民を巻き込んだ一大イベントを次々と発案し“街に溶け込む演劇”を根付かせてきた。コロナ禍の2020年に独り芝居「月夜のファウスト」を、2021年に街のあちこちを劇場にしたFESTA松本を立ち上げる。
2006年「桜姫」「コーカサスの白墨の輪」で芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞、2007年「東海道四谷怪談 北番」で第14回読売演劇大賞最優秀演出賞受賞。2008年紫綬褒章、2013年旭日小綬章を受章。15年シビウ国際演劇祭でシビウ・ウォーク・オブ・フェイムを受賞。
In 1966, he formed the theater company Jiyu Gekijo (later renamed On Theater Jiyu Gekijo), and served as the first artistic director of the Bunkamura Theater Cocoon from 1985-96, laying the foundation for theater management by introducing the Cocoon Kabuki and repertory system. His representative works include “Shanghai Bangsking”, “Cry Some More For Me, Flapper” and “Natsu Matsuri Naniwa Kagami”. He has also directed many productions, including “Hokaibo Kushida Gijo (Kushida World)” at the Heisei Nakamura-za Theater, and served as a specially-appointed professor of theater at Nihon University College of Art from 2000-11. He has conceived of a series of major events involving the public, such as the Shinshu Matsumoto Grand Kabuki Theater and the “Aerial Cabaret”, which combines circus, music, and theater, and has helped to establish “theater that fits in with the city. In 2020, after the Corona disaster, he presented “Faust in the Moonlit Night” as a solo play, and in 2021 he launched FESTA Matsumoto, which turned various parts of the spaces into a theater.
He received the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts for “Sakurahime” and “The Caucasian Chalk Circle” in 2006, and the Best Direction Award at the 14th Yomiuri Theater Awards for “Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan” in 2007, and the Medal with Purple Ribbon in 2008 and The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette in 2013 and the Sibiu Walk of Fame at the Sibiu International Theater Festival in 2015.
He is the author of “Maku ga agaru – The Curtain Comes Up” and “Kushida Gijo: Directing Kabuki”
Takayuki Sasaki, one of the Tosa triumvirate (the others are Taisuke Itagaki and Shojiro Goto) and a friend of Ryoma Sakamoto, is Kushida’s maternal great-grandfather.
TCアルプ TC Alp
Led by Kazuyoshi Kushida, TC Alp was formed in 2007 by a group of young actors who moved to Matsumoto after Kushida was appointed artistic director (now general artistic director) of the Matsumoto Performing Arts Center in 2003 and called for “the creation and transmission of theater from Matsumoto”. The main members were students of Kushida, who was a professor of theater at Nihon University College of Art, mixed with local theater artists.
Since then, the group has been based in Matsumoto, actively involved in the city, and has participated in productions directed by Kushida in Japan and abroad. Since 2017, Kushida appointed artistic director and artistic director of Nagano Prefecture, the group has been active throughout Nagano Prefecture as well.
In 2022, young actors from Tokyo and graduates of the Theater Factory (a theater school at the Matsumoto Performing Arts Center) will join the group, which is expected to develop into a new professional group in a local city, a rarity in Japan.

Kazuyoshi Kushida

Jun Kondo

Taku Takei

Takashi Hosokawa

Naoko Shimoji

Yutaka Fukazawa

Junta Kusamitsu

Masaki Arai

Nagi Kaga

Juniya Kushida

Mao Tamura

Kohei Hotta
Equivalent (herb and drink bar, baked goods), Warung Cafe (Asian bento boxes)
日時 2022年11月5日(土)13:00−/18:00−
Dates and times: 5 November,2022 13:00-/18:00-
舞台監督/大平久美(K Productions)
Photo by Akio Kushida
主催:La forêt(ラ・フォレ)
協力:Equivalent、Washi+、Spoon、ギャラリー エム・ツウ
文化庁「ARTS for the future! 2」補助対象事業
令和4年度 第72回高知県芸術祭協賛行事
Stage Manager/ Kumi Ohira (K Productions)
Costume Designer/ Kaoru Nakano
Stage Staff / Takayuki Ryoki
Lighting&Sound/ Goji Yoshida
Producer/ Hisako Yamaura
Production staff/ Yoshifumi Nakahira
Production Assistant/ Ayumi Hamada, Yuri Tatsumi
Flyer Design/ Mikio Tachiki
Archive Photo/ Taisuke Tsurui
Photo by Akio Kushida
Illustration and logo design by Kazuyoshi Kushida
Produced by La forêt
Supported by Izumi Corporation, JustTime
Cooperation: Equivalent, Washi+, Spoon, Gallery M2
Supported by: Kochi Prefecture Board of Education
Subsidized by Agency for Cultural Affairs “ARTS for the future! 2”
Event for the 72nd Kochi Prefectural Art Festival in 2022