Report : TAN Vatey & Sinta Wibowo Artist in Residence & Workshop [watch & wa/onder]

Artist TAN Vatey from Cambodia and art coordinator Sinta Wibowo from Belgium spent a month in Ino-cho, Kochi Prefecture, interacting with local residents, assisting in the production of Tosa Washi paper, and doing research for their own creations.

また、7月16日には、高知市にあるアートギャラリー&カフェ Equivalent にて、地域住民との交流を目的としたワークショップ&交流会 [watch & wa/onder]を開催しました。
In addition, on July 16, a workshop & Exchange meeting was held at Equivalent in Kochi City to interact with local people.

[watch & wa/onder]は、幅広い年齢層やバックグラウンド、国籍の異なる方々にご参加いただき、普段とは異なる経験を楽しんでいただきました。さまざまなエクササイズを通じて、頭で考えるのではなく、五感を活かして行動することで、心身ともに充実した時間を共有しました。
[watch & wa/onder] was attended by people of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities, who enjoyed an unusual experience. Through a variety of exercises, participants shared a time of physical and mental enrichment by using their five senses rather than thinking with their minds.

滞在:2023年7月12日(水)- 8月16日(水)
AIR: Wed, 12th July – Wed, 16th August
Workshop: Sat, 16th July 2023
AIR: Kashiki Paper Co., Ltd (Ino town)
Workshop: Equivalent (Kochi city)
TAN Vatey & Sinta Wibowo
14 people

It was so much fun to see everyone with very different backgrounds come together and become one community, just like the activity of hanging threads to form a single mass. Thank you very much for a wonderful event. I look forward to another opportunity like this.
It has been a while since I have used all my senses and I feel like my energy has opened up to the outside. I liked the atmosphere where children could participate in a relaxed and spontaneous way.
グラフィックデザイン、ブックデザイン、フェスティバル、コンサルタントなど様々な分野で活躍。現在はプノンペン(カンボジア)とブリュッセル(ベルギー)の2拠点で活動中。地理的ライブ展示シリーズ[re-enacting memories]や、ワークショップ [watch & wa/onder] などを様々な地域で開催している。
Worked in various fields including graphic design, book design, festivals, and consultancy. They are currently based in Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and Brussels (Belgium) and have organized a series of geographical live exhibitions [re-enacting memories] and workshop [watch & wa/onder] in various locations.
TAN Vatey
プノンペン出身。アーティスト・デザイナーとして多方面で活躍。主な経歴は Constable Gallery at Large での個展(2016年/シェムリアップ)、カンボジア・リビング・アート&クラアン・ノルニール「the Artists Calling」(2017年 /プノンペン)、「Snapshot」(2018年/バッタンバン)、スウェーデン大使館による巡回展「Facing the Climate」(2018)、Currents Festival(2019/プノンペン)、PenhArt fair(2021)、Toch Toch展(2021)など。10歳の時に描いた「The View of The Rainy Season」で、カンボジア人として初めて第33回国際児童画展日本外務大臣賞を受賞(2003年)。タイで開催されたAIDSコンペティション11th ICAAPにて、「Innovate, don’t discriminate」が3位入賞(2013年)。ゲーテ・インスティテュートによる研究交流プロジェクト「Mutual Unknown」の一員として、CuratorsLABによって開始された東南アジアのキュレーターネットワークやジャカルタのGaleri Nasional Indonesiaでのグループ展に参加。[reenacting memories]はEuropalia Festival(2017/ブリュッセル)、Rainbow Community Kampuchea, (2018/プノンペン)、Cambodian Living Arts’ Unsung Heroes(2019&2022)にて展示。[watch & wa/onder]はインドネシア、中国、カンボジアにて開催。ベルギーのSa Sa Bassac, Newfoundland、チェンマイのextantation、沙渓のHorse Pen、アメリカのVermont Studio Centerにてアーティスト・イン・レジデンスを行い、アジア・ソサエティーとニューヨークのAsian Arts Council & 台北のOCACにてアーティスト・トークを行う。また、カンボジアの学校でワークショップを行う「NomadiX Art Tour」のアーティストの一人であり、コレクティブスペースtiSamjortの一員でもある。
TAN Vatey (1992, Phnom Penh) works interdisciplinarily as an artist and designer who keeps finding inspiration by exploring a variety of practices and approaches in different fields, be it in the arts or in daily life around her. She has exhibited within Cambodia and other countries, including at Constable Gallery at Large, Siem Reap (2016), the Artists Calling (2017) by Cambodian Living Arts & Kraanh Norneal (2017) at Sa Sa Art Projects, Phnom Penh, Snapshot (2018) at Sangker Gallery, Battambang, Facing the Climate, touring exhibition by Swedish Embassy (2018), Currents Festival in Phnom Penh (2019), PenhArt fair (2021), Toch Toch exhibition (2021). The View of The Rainy Season, her drawing at the age of 10 made her become the first Cambodian who received Foreign Minister’s Award by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan for the 33rd International Children’s Art Exhibition (2003). A decade later, she was 3rd runner up award of the Art on AIDS Competition 11th ICAAP Innovate, don’t discriminate in Thailand (2013). Since 2017, her art began taking her abroad: Vatey participated in Mutual Unknown, a research-exchange project by Goethe Institute, initiated by CuratorsLAB, a South-East Asian network of curators. The project culminated in a group exhibition at Galeri Nasional Indonesia in Jakarta where she met with Indonesian-Belgian arts-instigator Sinta Wibowo, who became her partner in life and work. Together with Sinta, Vatey ventures into live experimentations throughout the animated exhibitions of [re-enacting memories] for Europalia Festival, Brussels (2017), Rainbow Community Kampuchea, Phnom Penh (2018), Cambodian Living Arts’ Unsung Heroes (2019 & 2022). During Covid-times, they tele-organized and co-created [re-enacting memories] with KONNECT ASEAN at Museum MACAN in Jakarta (2020-2021) with a post-covid edition at Sa Sa Art Projects in Phnom Penh (2022). They also initiated the walkshops [watch & wa/onder] making them travel to Indonesia, China and Cambodia, around normalization by unhabiting habits and how to use the senses differently to find new relationalities and dramaturgies. Vatey was an artist in residency at Sa Sa Bassac, Newfoundland in Belgium, extantation in Chiangmai, Horse Pen in Shaxi, Vermont Studio Center in the US, leading to artist talks at Asia Society and Asian Arts Council in NYC & OCAC in Taipei. In 2020, Vatey is also one of the artists of the NomadiX Art Tour, sharing workshops in schools around Cambodia and part of the collective space tiSamjort offering artists from the provinces a place to stay or transit in Phnom Penh.
Sinta Wibowo
ルーヴェン出身。ヨーロッパ、東南アジアなどの地域を行き来しながら活動。経済学とマーケティングを学んだ後、様々な人々を結びつけることに関心を持ち、舞台芸術、映画、ビジュアルアート、音楽の分野でプロジェクト、フェスティバル、芸術施設に携わる。文化戦略家、芸術コーディネーター、アドバイザーとして、研究、言説、方法論における実験に注目し、コラボレーション、パートナーシップ、友情を奨励することによって、包摂、アウトリーチ、多様性に身体を与えることを考えている。Sideways Walking Arts Festivalでの経験が、[reenacting memories] や、アートとライフにおけるウーウェイ・パートナーであるVateyとの共同企画 [watch & wa/onder] など、さまざまな実験的プロジェクトに影響を与えた。
Sinta Wibowo (1978, Leuven) lives and works between Europe, South-East Asia & occasionally other regions. Having studied economics & marketing, she works with projects, festivals and art institutions in the field of performing arts, film, visual arts and music, out of her interest to bring people of all walks of life together. As a cultural strategist, artistic coordinator & advisor, Sinta looks up experimentation in research, discourse & methodology and aspires to give more body to inclusion, outreach & diversity, by encouraging collaborations, partnerships & friendships. A key moment of change in her working style was the Sideways Walking Arts Festival, where everyone was invited to explore ‘pathways’ on foot and be part of an itinerant artistic laboratory. This experience inspired different experimental projects like [re-enacting memories], a series of live exhibitions and the walkshops of [watch & wa/onder], she initiated with TAN Vatey, her wuwei partner in arts and life.
主催: La forêt(ラ・フォレ)
共催: Equivalent
協力: Washi+、鹿敷製紙株式会社