自然素材から唯一無二のパペットを生み出し、表現力豊かなパフォーマンスで魅了する Papermoon Puppet Theatre(ジョグジャカルタ/インドネシア)と、自作の映像機と楽器を使い、アナログとデジタルを独特の手法で組み合わせるパフォーマンスユニットusaginingen(瀬戸内・豊島/日本)による共同制作公演を開催します。本公演は2つのアーティストファミリーによるコラボレーションです。舞台上に客席を設置し、和紙で作ったパペットや舞台美術を使った一日限りの舞台をお楽しみください。
Papermoon Puppet Theatre (Yogyakarta, Indonesia), which creates unique puppets from natural materials and fascinates audiences with its expressive performances, and usaginingen (Teshima, Setouchi, Japan), a performance unit that combines analog and digital in a unique way, using a self-made video machine and musical instruments. This performance is a collaboration between two artist families. Please enjoy a one-day-only performance using puppets and scenography made of Washi paper, with seating on the stage.
※Washi Meets Art Festival 2024(主催:Washi+、La forêt)の一事業として開催します
Date and Time
①開場14時30分 開演15時 ②開場18時30分 開演19時(全2回)
Wed 31st July 2024 ① Open: 2:30pm Start: 3pm ②Open: 6:30pm Start: 7pm *Lobby access 1 hour before the show
高知県立美術館ホール 舞台上舞台(高知市高須353-2)
The Museum of Art, Kochi, Hall, stage on stage (353-2, Takasu Kochi-city)
一般前売3,800円 当日4,300円 中高生2,000円 小学生以下1,000円 ファミリー割引(大人2名+小学生以下2名)9,000円
Adult: 3,800 yen in advance / 4,300 yen at the door
Student (junior high and high school students): 2,000 yen
Student (elementary school students and younger): 1,000 yen
Family (2 Adults + 2 elementary school students and younger): 9,000yen
After the performance, there will be an exchange session where you can see puppets and props up close and ask questions to the artists.
The performance time is scheduled to be 75 minutes including the exchange session.
Peatix にて前売りチケットを販売しています。

次の内容をご記入の上、ticket@lafrt.com へメールをお送りください。
Reservation Email to ticket@lafrt.com
①氏名 ②タイトルと時間 ③券種(一般 or 中高生 or 小学生以下 or ファミリー割引)と枚数 ④電話番号
電話 050-1807-7378

Born from a Mother, Becoming a Mother. From a long, long time ago, living things are born of mothers and become mothers. It repeats and repeats all the time. I am a leaf, a flower, and all living things. Living things live and die on this planet over and over again. And death makes the earth and keeps me alive.
This work is a story of two families living in different places on the same planet, and the songs we create with all the people we meet through this work.
*The word “song” in this work means that each person sings what they feel in their hearts and the vibrations of their bodies.
Maria Tri Sulistyani、Iwan Effendi、Lunang Pramusesa(Papermoon Puppet Theatre)平井絵美、平井伸一、平井海凪(usaginingen)
Performers: Maria Tri Sulistyani, Iwan Effendi, Lunang Pramusesa (Papermoon Puppet Theatre), Emi Hirai, Shinichi Hirai, Minagu Hirai (usaginingen)
Artist Profile

Papermoon Puppet Theatre
2006年、Maria Tri Sulistyani(イラストレーター、ライター、元パフォーマー)とIwan Effendi(ビジュアルアーティスト)により設立。以来、人形を使い様々な実験を行ってきた。伝統的な人形劇で世界的に有名なインドネシアのジョグジャカルタを拠点に、若く熟練したアーティストであるPapermoon Puppet Theatreは、想像力豊かにアイデンティティや社会を探求する作品を創作している。パフォーマンスの制作のみならず、ビジュアルアートのインスタレーション展示や、数多くのワークショップやパペットラボを通じて、知識を広めている。2008年より国際ビエンナーレパペットフェスティバルPesta Bonekaを主催。また、青少年向けの国際演劇祭Gulali Festivalを開催する他、異なる背景や文化を持つアーティストとのコラボレーションも数多く行っている。2015年、2017年には高知県立美術館のレジデンスアーティストとして公演を開催している。
Papermoon Puppet Theatre was founded as a brainchild of Maria Tri Sulistyani (an illustrator, writer and a former theatre performer) and Iwan Effendi (a visual artist). Since 2006, this couple has been doing lots of experiments on the arts of puppetry. Based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, In a country with world-renowned puppetry traditions, the young, expert artists of Papermoon are extending the form with their mixed-media productions, and creating works that imaginatively explore identity and society. Not only making performances, Papermoon Puppet Theatre also presents its artworks through visual art installations, and shares its knowledge by making lots of workshops, make puppet labs and initiates international biennale puppet festival calls Pesta Boneka since 2008, and also GULALI FESTIVAL – an international festival of performing arts for young audiences. They also do lots of collaboration with artists from different backgrounds and cultures.
After having kids, the Artistic Directors decided to involve their kids in their creative process.
“If we allowed other people that we never knew or met before to make a production with us, why not the kids?” Because for them, never stop playing means never stop learning.

自作の映像機と楽器を使ったパフォーマンスユニット。2011年、ドイツ・ベルリンで活動を開始。2016年、瀬戸内海の離島・豊島に拠点を移し劇場をオープン。アナログとデジタルを独特の手法で組み合わせたパフォーマンスは各国で高い評価を得ており、2014年、Reykjavik Visual-Music Festival(アイスランド)のライブシネマ部門でグランプリなど受賞歴多数。2021年、Apple Japanの広告キャンペーン-macの向こうから-に登場。これまでにヨーロッパ、ロシア、北米、中国など23ヵ国で公演。2021年高知市の蛸蔵にて「トンビ-魂の鼓動-」公演開催。芸術祭、音楽祭、映画祭や教育機関などで幅広く活動中。近年は劇場のある豊島を拠点に、パフォーマンスに留まらず島の合宿や公園づくりによる社会活動、ワークショップ、オンライン配信など様々な活動をしている。
Usaginingen is an audio-visual performance duo. Their instruments are all handmade by Usaginingen members. Their unique style of performance quickly gained a strong reputation. In 2014, they won the Live Cinema competition at Reykjavik Visual-Music Festival in Iceland. Appeared in Apple Japan’s advertising campaign ~beyond the mac 2021~. Usaginingen has been invited to perform in 77 cities, across 23 countries such as Canada, Germany, UK, France, China. They have performed live at a variety of international festivals for music, art and film, as well as at educational institutions to help inspire young creators. After six years of living in Berlin, they are now based in Teshima island, Japan and opened their own theater. In recent years, based in Teshima, the group has been engaged in a variety of activities beyond performance, including social activities through island camps and park creation, workshops, and online distribution. In 2021, they played 35 shows in twenty prefectures across Japan during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Equivalent(ドリンク、お菓子と抹茶)/ ワルンカフェ(アジアン弁当)/ もくもく(おかずパン、おやつパン、食事パン)/ Nina Vogel (アートなグッズ)/ ゆるっと和紙の会(様々な和紙職人・作家の作品)/ 旅する商店 アチコチテシマ(瀬戸内豊島の特産品)
Equivalent (Drinks, sweets and green tea) / Warung Cafe (Asian bento boxes) / Mokumoku (breads for side dishes, snacks and meals) / Nina Vogel (art products)/ Yurutto Washi no Kai (works of various Washi makers and artists) / Achikochi Teshima (local products from Teshima Island)
出店時間:①14時−15時 ②18時−19時
Opening hours: ①14:00-15:00 ②18:00-19:00
Please enjoy after the show as well, but they open only before the show starts at the evening show.
Food and drink are allowed in the foyer only. Please note that food and beverages cannot be brought into the theater.
主催:La forêt(ラ・フォレ)
(公財)高知新聞厚生文化事業団 助成事業
広報協力:笹貫淳子(junkosasanuki creation)
協力:鹿敷製紙(株)、Equivalent、足利成、斎藤努、原啓太、森下 和花、新谷夢、平木稀海、Nina Vogel
Produced by La forêt
Co-organized by Washi+, The Museum of Art, Kochi, Just Time
Supported by: Kochi Prefectural Board of Education
Subsidized by Kochi Newspaper Culture Foundation
Stage Manager: Takayuki Ryoki
Lighting: Toshio Nakajima / Shikoku Stage & Television Lighting Co.
Producer:Hisako Yamaura
Coordinator: Ayumi Hamada
Assistant Coordinator: Yuta Ishiyama, Yuri Tatsumi (Spoon), Asami Furuya (Soukasha), Myu Uchida (Washi+), Megumi Oku
Technical Interpreter: Jo Ushijima
PR Cooporation: Junko Sasanuki
Collaborator: Kashiki Paper Co.,Ltd, Equivalent, Sei Ashikaga, Tsutomu Saito, Keita Hara, Waka Morishita, Nina Vogel
Archive Video: Takashi Kurokawa
Archive Photo: Taisuke Tsurui
Poster Design: Mikio Tachiki
Directorate General of Culture MoECRT, Indonesia